Thigh And Arm Lifts

Thigh And Arm Lifts

Ageing or substantial weight loss can lead to excess skin on the arm. By means of an arm lift or brachial lift this excess skin or skin flaccidity can be reduced.
Lifting Muslos brazos Doctor Leopoldo Navarro

Thigh and arm lift is a procedure that requires general anaesthesia. In this regard, in the event that your skin does not have sufficient retraction capacity to adapt to the mass of your arm, this sagging skin can be removed by surgical excision.

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Lifting Muslos brazos postoperatorio Doctor Leopoldo Navarro


After the operation, it is normal to suffer some discomfort that is easily relieved by painkillers. In this sense, the only limitations in the days after the operation are to avoid carrying weight and doing aerobic sports. Lymphatic drainage will also help you recover earlier and reduce post-surgical edema.